Hey friends,
I am just back from Vogue Knitting Live, and excited to be working on so many pre-orders for the Knitting Needle Signet Ring!
I am also working on a new design that a lot of you have been asking for, and I plan to unveil it at the first Nash Yarn Fest!
Ann and Kay of MDK are hosting a new fiber festival, and it is shaping up to be a fantastic affair. I am really excited to be a vendor at this show, and I think it is going to be a fun show. I hope you will check out the details at https://www.nashyarnfest.com/
Another new addition to the jewelry lineup that a lot of you at Vogue Knitting Live really liked are the Yarn Ball Earring Studs.
It was lovely to see so many of you in person in NYC! I can't wait to see who I meet in Nashville in March!
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